Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Humanoid Encounters in Malaysia

Ahmad Jamaludin, MUFON UFO Journal, No. 141, November 1979

Summary: While other countries have been experiencing close encounters with humanoids of diversified forms, I would like to draw attention to the reports in Malaysia where humanoid encounters have been confined to only one type – tiny entities measuring from 3 inches to 6 inches in height. Though reports of the other UFO categories bear similarity to the global sightings, encounters with humanoids in Malaysia on the record so far are in a class of their own.

UFO occupants or "humanoids" present themselves in various shapes and sizes, as do the UFO themselves. Worldwide reports have from time to time given rise to new types or species of humanoids, from small winged creatures to huge hairy creatures. But from reports as early as 1897 it has become clear that one type – the 4 feet-5 inches Oriental type – has been consistent. They were seen widely in France during the great 1954 UFO wave and continued to be sighted as recently as 1979 in South Africa.

While other countries have been experiencing close encounters with humanoids of diversified forms, I would like to draw attention to the reports in Malaysia where humanoid encounters have been confined to only one type – tiny entities measuring from 3 inches to 6 inches in height. Though reports of the other UFO categories bear similarity to the global sightings, encounters with humanoids in Malaysia on the record so far are in a class of their own. There has not been a single reported incident of encounters with UFO occupants measuring taller than 6 inches in height. It is also to be noted that there has not been a single case of a UFO measuring greater than 3 feet in diameter landing on Malaysian soil. These observations constitute a puzzle, and if any explanations can be given it is hoped that some relationship with the global UFO landings may give a clue to the UFO phenomena.

The following alleged encounters, the full stories of which are incomplete since the principle witnesses cannot be located are listed below.

CASE 1. Johore Bahru, 1970

Four boys going to school one morning saw a small UFO and tiny 6-inch tall creatures. The boys soon reported it to the headmaster and since it occurred in the school premises, the news broke out and soon the whole school were combing the area looking for the creatures. One small burnt patch on the ground was found. The UFO was gone.

CASE 2: Gambang near Kuantan, 1973

Two schoolboys claimed to have seen tiny humanoids only 3-inches tall in the school compound. It is said that one of the creatures was actually caught by the boys, which attracted the attention of a teacher. He arrived in time to see it before the tiny creature finally managed to escape.

CASE 3: Bukit Mertajam, 1973

A group of boys playing football in a school field sighted a small UFO landed nearby. From it emerged tiny creatures which immediately one of the boys tried to catch. A beam of light was fired at the boy’s hand. The UFO flew away.

CASE 4: Ipoh, 1973

A small UFO carrying tiny humanoids landed in a school field. Several schoolboys who sighted it excitedly called their teachers. They came just too late to see the object speeding away.

CASE 5: Miri, Sarawak, 1973

Several boys saw a humanoid about 6 inches tall wearing a white suit cutting a fence wire with an intense beam of light. They tried to catch it but it was lost in the bushes. No UFO was sighted.

CASE 6: Miri, Sarawak, 1973

Several people on vacation along the beach sighted a group of tiny beings wearing white suits. There were about six or seven of them. They wore no mask and resembled humans except for their tiny size. This group consisted of possibly males and females. The females were notable because of the long hair. An attempt to catch them failed. No saucer was sighted.

CASE 7: Bukit Mertajam, 1979

A small UFO landed on a field near some boys. A boy tried to catch a 3-inch creature that emerged from it. It fired a beam that temporarily paralyzed his right arm. The UFO then flew away.

There were not less than 7 reported landings in Malaysia from the first known landing in 1970 through May 1979. From these reports there were 5 cases of close encounter with tiny humanoids and 2 other cases and 2 other cases reported from East Malaysia but no UFO was sighted. The creatures measured, in all cases, either 3 inches or 6 inches tall. All were equipped with a type of ray gun. They were described as well dressed in one-piece suits. Some had slightly larger head and round eyes. The 3-inch humanoids sometimes had two antenna-like structures protruding from the head. Case 1,2,3,4 and 7 occurred in West Malaysia, all reported by schoolchildren and all landings took place in school premises.

There were 3 more probable encounters with tiny humanoids in Malaysia, but unfortunately the origin of the incidents cannot be traced. One recent case, a probable landing, occurred on May 26, 1979, near Kulim where the witnesses, 3 boys and 2 adults, claimed to have sighted a small UFO hovering a few feet above the ground perhaps in an attempt to land since its three landing gears were already down. As the witnesses tried to touch the object an intense light ray shone into their eyes which temporarily blinded them. This shows that the small UFO was intelligently controlled from inside. Considering its small size, estimated about 2 feet in diameter, the UFO occupants if any inside would have to measure about 3 inches tall to fit comfortably in the object.

Of the 9 reported landings or encounters with humanoids, 7 cases occurred in broad daylight. Only 2 landings were known to have taken place at night. There have been no reports of encounters with UFO occupants after dawn. Almost all of the UFOs sighted close range on the ground or hovering close to the ground measured on the average less than 3 feet in diameter.

UFOs that were sighted in the air were usually of large size. There have been reports of a disc-shaped UFO was big as a house flying over the hilly country in East Malaysia and a long elliptical object like a neon light was also sighted high in the sky.

UFO sightings near or within school compounds have been a worldwide occurrence. It is not surprising, therefore, that most of the Malaysian landings occurred in or near the school area. UFOs, as suspected by some researchers, have shown considerable interest in schools by the frequent sightings recorded. In Malaysia the case may not be so considering the nature of the land. From the air, Malaysia offers half a dozen types of landing grounds, namely jungles, rubber and oil palm plantations, rice fields, tin mining areas, and football fields. For a landing the thick jungles and rubber plantations do not offer enough clearance. Rice fields and tin-mining areas are almost isolated, and if there were any landings, most would go unnoticed (considering also the small size of the UFO). The only landing spot that would attract attention in the event of a landing would be a field.

Why do Malaysian encounters (the UFO and the humanoids) come only in tiny sizes when compared to other parts of the world? Why do most landings occur in the daytime when all other worldwide landing reports usually happen at night? If deception is part of the UFO phenomenon then their tiny size may allow them to easily escape unnoticed. Since there have been no reports of encounters with bigger or human-size humanoids in the dark hours, then we again ask, why do most landings have to be conducted in the day time?

It has been observed that UFOs were mainly attracted to the fracture-zone areas of high seismic activity. In fact it can be seen that earthquake-free areas or countries have fewer UFO reports compared to the bulk of the UFO sightings reported originating from earthquake zones or areas that have records of or have "felt" even the slightest earth tremors.

Malaysia is an earthquake-free country. The areas of gravity and magnetic anomalies which UFOs may use to operate so excellently is lacking in this region. Is the tiny size a compensation for the maneuverability to land and take off on a magnetically stable area?

Date: 20 February 2006
Location: Kuala Pahang, Pahang, Malaysia
Time: Daytime

A fisherman, Ahmad Affendi, 22 and a few friens found a small bottle by the beach. After shaking the bottle, he realized that there was a small figure inside, measuring about 15 cm in height. However, the tiny figure which was greenish in color and had a pair of red eyes, did not move. The tiny being was wrapped in a black cloth and tied with a white string. Ahmad Affendi took it to an elderly man, Ismail Omar, 94 who then opened the bottle. He claimed that the being was still alive. The witness then took it to the police station but was advised to hand it to the museum. While at the museum over 600 people managed to have a look at the strange figure but unfortunately due to superstitious beliefs, they threw it away into the sea less than 24 hours later. It is a common belief in Malaysia that such creature has bad spiritual effects and should not be kept.

Kuala Lumpur - Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia

Date: April 08, 2004
Time: 6:50 pm - 7:00 pm

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: disc-shape

Full Description of event/sighting: I poked my head through my window to invite my friend who lives upstairs to eat dinner with me. Before going, we had a little chat. I looked up at him and suddenly noticed a black object which was hovering close by. I immediately saw it because I'm a bird-watcher, I thought it was an eagle at first. Unfortunately I was shocked when I realized it was not a bird. It is an aircraft and a weird one which I never have witnessed before.

I saw that it is a black disc-shaped object, so the first thing that came to my mind is that this is a UFO. I hoped that it was actually a flattened balloon slowly dropping down, but it wasn't. It floated at the same attitude going forward.

I realized that it is nothing I ever seen. I quickly told my friend to look at it to see if he saw it or not, and whether he knew what the heck it was. He looked back at me after he watched for a while. I could see the same curious look on his face. He thought it was the so-called UFO too. We looked carefully at it as it slowly hovered, just like what helicopters does. I estimated it to be about 100 meters from ground and about the size of a car. As we are living on the 5th and 6th floor we should have heard a sound coming from it, if it had of been a helicopter at that altitude.

The disc flew in a very unique way, it flew like something injured, because it sloped 45 degree to the left then right then left again as it traveled along. If it was flown by humans, they would easily be affected by nausea in such aircraft. I noticed a red light flashing at the back of the craft. Since it is still bright outside, I could barely tell whether it was glowing or not, but I saw the atmosphere near it was a little lighter than normal, maybe it is due to the contrast or maybe it is shimmering. It disappeared in the distance.

We noticed that no one each from our hostel actually saw the object. I'm still in shock and still try my best to understand what it was I saw!

(Article written by Ahmad Jamaludin, the author of A Summary of Unidentified Flying Objects and Related Events in Malaysia (1950-1980), which was published by the Center for UFO Studies, USA in 1981. An unusual finding of this study was that many Malaysian CE3 cases featured encounters with tiny UFOs and tiny entities, measuring in the inches rather than the feet.

Since that time, Ahmad has continued to compile sighting reports from his region. The finding about small objects and entities still holds. He finds it frustrating that the local media tend to either ignore the UFO subject or not treat it seriously. The first Malaysian UFO Conference was held in Kuala Lumpur in December 1995. A UFO organisation was also formed: UFO Research in Asia (UFORIA), but it has unfortunately not endured.

Ahmad has continued to self-publish several UFO studies. The most recent includes UFO Reports in Southeast Asia (1800-1996) (January 1997), which contains 86 sighting abstracts from eight countries plus statistical analyses. Search for a Common Denominator in UFO Manifestations and Seismic Events (November 1997) investigates straight line and star-shaped alignments and postulates that UFOs and seismic events are triggered by a common external source. He has also written for popular UFO magazines (see Alien Encounters, October 1997)

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