Monday, June 11, 2007

Does ancient astronaut really exist or just an imagination?

Before we talk about the ancient astronaut, let's look at some perspective of human culture and civilization. Since early times, human keep on searching the mysteries of nature and God's creation, and even visualized it into paintings, literatures and etc. But not all the same. Some creates thousand of questions of what the message or motives behind the art created, is it really meant that way or just puzzle for people to search and solve it?

UFO and aliens visiting the earth almost heard in every continent. Picture of alien's spaceship, soucer-like objects hovering the sky, unknown bright lights and many more can be found not only in the net, but even on tv network. Does it really exist? Do they ever visit the earth in ancient time? or just a fantacy and hallucination plague on human mind?

Let's look into some of the examples taken from literature, pantings and culture, in the search for the truth beyond the myth.


In the Vedic literature of India, there are many descriptions of flying machines that are generally called vimanas. These fall into two cate- gories:

(l) manmade craft that resemble airplanes and fly with the aid of birdlike wings, and

(2) unstreamlined structures that fly in a mysterious manner and are generally not made by human beings.

The machines in category (l) are described mainly in medieval, secular Sanskrit works dealing with architecture, automata, military siege engines, and other mechanical contrivances. Those in category (2) are described in ancient works such as the Rg Veda, the Maha-bha-rata, the Rama-yana, and the Pura-nas, and they have many features reminis- cent of UFOs.


Painting of the Madonna and Saint Giovannino, in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, attributed to the 15th Century school of Filippo Lippi. Photographs courtesy of CUFOS


14th century tapestry

These two tapestries were created in the 14th century. Both depict the life of Mary. Hat shaped objects can be clearly seen in both tapestries. The one on the left was created in 1330. The one on the right is entitled The Magnificent. Both are located at the French basillica Notre-Dame in Beaune, Burgundy.


This is the only picture of the Dropa people available.

The Dropa (also known as Dropas, Drok-pa or Dzopa) are, according to certain controversial writers, a race of dwarf-like extratrestrials who landed near the Chinese-Tibetan
border some twelve thousand years ago.

  • Local legends corroborate the story of a tribe of ugly, big-headed dwarfs coming from the clouds.
  • There are supposed Dropa and Ham tribes which are true pygmies with average height around 4'2" and with a weight between 38 and 52 pounds.
  • Some tribes do claim to come from other worlds, however, this alien belief also happens in many primitive tribes around the world.
The story start when Chi Pu Tei, a professor of archaeology at Beijing University, and his students were on an expedition to explore a series of caves in the pathless Himalayan mountains of the remote Bayan-Kara-Ula in Qinghai on the border of China and Tibet. The caves may have been artificially carved to be a system of tunnels and underground storerooms. The walls were squared and glazed, as if cut into the mountain with great heat.

They found many neat rows of tombs with short 4 ft 4 in inch skeletons buried within. The skeletons had abnormally big heads, and small, thin, fragile bodies. A member of the team suggested that these might be the remains of an unknown species of mountain gorila. Prof. Chi Pu Tei was said to respond, "Who ever heard of apes burying one another?"

There were no epitaphs at the graves, but instead hundreds of one foot wide stone discs ("Dropa Stones") were found having 3/4 inch wide holes in their centers. On the walls were carved pictures of the rising sun, moon, stars, the land, mountains, and lines of pea-sized dots connecting the earth with the sky. Along with the discs, the cave drawings had been determined to be about 12,000 years old.

Skeptics note, however, a number of problems with the case (and a lack of corroborative evidence), which offers significant doubt as to the reality of the more sensationalistic Dropa claims. Mainstream critics argue that the entire affair is a hoax.



The Nasca Lines are one of humanity's mysteries. They are located in the Pampa region of Peru. They are the most outstanding group of geoglyphs in the world. Etched in the surface of the desert pampa sand about 300 hundred figures made of straight lines, geometric shapes and pictures of animals and birds - and their patterns are only clearly visible from the air. They were built by a people called the Nasca- but why and how they created these wonders of the world has defied explanation. In 1969, Erich von Daniken floated the idea that airborne extraterrestrials might have laid out the lines as runways for their aircraft.


This picture details the events of August 7, 1566, in Basel, Switzerland. The spheres appeared at sunrise, 'Many became red and fiery, ending by being consumed and vanishing', wrote Samuel Coccius in the local newspaper on this date. A 16th century woodcutting depicts a scene in which dark spheres were witnessed hovering over the town of Basel, Switzerland in 1566


This 14th century Fresco painting entitled 'The Crucifixion' depicts a man in some kind of craft looking back over his shoulder. From Kosovo / Yugoslavia

"Baptism of Jesus" by Aert De Gelder, 1710 A.D

"Baptism of Jesus" by Aert De Gelder in about 1710 AD. These are craft seen by many thousands of people today all around the world.



A French medal apparently commemorating a UFO sighting of a wheel like object in 1680. Artist and location unknown.



Painting from flemish artist Aert de Gelder (1645-1727), Rembrandt disciple, supposed to show the baptism of Jesus in river Jordan, entitled "The Baptism of Christ". It was painted in 1710 and hangs in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. A disk shaped object is shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus.

Oil on canvas, 48.3 x 37.1 cm. Given by Lord Alwym Compton, Bishop of Ely, 1905. Prov: Marianne, Countess of Alford, 1888.


Val Camonica

Paintings on stonewalls in Val Camonica, North Italy, showing beings seemingly wearing a glasslike helmet from which short rays are emitted.

"The Annunciation" by Carlo Crivelli, 1486 A.D.

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