Friday, March 26, 2010

Hoax elves (orang bunian) nailed head

Paracrypt RSG received these photo which claim to be the head of spiritual being known as elves or 'orang bunian' in Malay language. The sender claims that the head was nailed with a golden nail during the ritual of capturing the being.

However we at Paracrypt RSG revealed it as HOAX due to some clues which the original owner of the photo might not aware or realized during photographing the object

1. The hair is to good to be true and more shiny and looks like made of plastic subtance

2. The tiny rope to hang the object either in the car as decoration or as a key chain

3. More plastic looking rather than skin

Paracrypt RSG

1 comment:

  1. good~ keep sharing with us, please....I will waiting your up date everyday!! Have a nice day........................................
