Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Kemayan City

I was reading on Kemayan city mystery and I'm quite interested on the haunting... so last saturday I went to Johore Bahru and just passed by the location in the daylight... and it's still standing there and nothing was done till now ether to demolishing it or renovating it... I ask few local in skudai area nearby regarding the location and most of the local I interviewed (unofficially), confirmed the location was haunted and till recently one of them (Abang Hamid) told me that there's an incident when a local Malay taxi driver who was on his way back one night took a Chinese lady at the Kemayan's bus stop. When he asked her, she told that she's from Kuala Lumpur and just finished her shopping in the Kemayan City mall. The taxi driver then told the lady that the Kemayan City Plaza was long abandoned building and there's no shops or such outlet in the building and the lady was surprised and shocked. She insist that she's just finished shopping, buying leather shoes and clothes in Kemayan City. When both of them looked into the shopping bag, it was full of rags and the lady later throw the things away and asked the taxi driver to send her to the hotel near Danga.

Please find attached photos which I took when I was passing in front of the plaza, actually we don't dare to stop since even the daylight the place really looks spooky...



Cindy Chew
Selangor DE

PRSG Note: Thank you Ms Cindy fo sharing the stories and photos.

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