Monday, March 8, 2010

Miri most active haunting site and location

Due to request from Miri readers and folks via email, Paracrypt Research and Study Group proudly share and released some of the list of most active haunting ground in Miri for other researchers who might be interested to conduct their own research and test. The known active haunting ground was:

1. Krokop Chinese Cemetery (half torso apparition)

2. Riam Bus Stop near Chinese Cemetery (actively haunting especially around 2-3 am)

3. SRK North compound (Japanese soldiers marching)

4. Taman Awam children's pool under the bridge (weird entities and EVP)

5. Curtin University near the lake and island (dark entities, lady in white and EVP's). Other place was in ME, GP Building and also area surrounding the campus.

6. Tanjung Lobang old government Quarters (mysterious dark apparition)

7. M- Floor of Wisma Pelita Tunku @ Electra House (EVP's and ghostly entities of a lady and apparition of male wearing khaki color uniform-old PDRM uniform). The site also known as one of famous location of a murdered police inspector in 80's.

There are more known active area which is still waiting to be confirm by the PRSG team and we will keep up updating on the latest location status to reveal the truth behind the phenomenon.


Paracrypt Research and Study Group


Unknown said...

I wonder if there is any haunting sites around Taman Pelita Miri.

Unknown said...

I wonder if there is any haunting sites in Taman Pelita Miri.

Paracrypt RSG said...

Dear Alya,
As far as research which has been done at Taman Pelita, there's no high spot for paranormal activities in Taman Pelita. However, there is some places where you can try your luck with evp or visual at the old JKR Depoh...

On the way to Lutong via Miri Lutong Highway, once you reach the JKR Depoh, try to stop right under the street lamp right between the JKR quarters and JKR Depoh. Here is where some local accounts claim that they saw big black buffalo without it's head crossing the highway to the other side of the road, and in another account, last time we able to catch a glimpse of unknown shadow/apparition of a figure which disappear near the Depoh's fence around 2 am.

But for the research, we didn't took it as one of concrete evidence to highlight it as a haunting spot since reflections and normal mist always occur near the area due to vegetation and hills nearby.